Thanks so much for checking out my website! My parents always told me no matter what I want to be when I grow up, I should be my own boss. They had to explain why I should do that. I don't know yet what I want to be when I grow up, except maybe a gymnast, but I also like to sing and dance and laugh and make other people laugh, and I like helping people. I guess I can figure that out later, but in the mean time, I wanted to try being my own boss.
I also had on my vision board that I would like to have my own merch or my own products in stores. It took me a long time to get serious about it and decide what I really want to sell. Then my mom and I had to do lots and lots of research to figure out how to make the stuff I want to sell. It's not easy being your own boss, but it sure is fun and it feels really good when you see your logo and your ideas on things that people buy!
I remember when I saw Ryan's Toys Review when they had their own toys in the store. That's what motivated me to start my own brand. I hope this motivates you to want to start your own brand, too! This is so much cooler than just a regular lemonade stand!
BoomShuga is a brand made for girls just like us, who don't want to do baby things anymore, but who are still too young to play with grownup things, or so my mom says. This blog, though, is going to be a place where we can share ideas and help each other to grow up to be the best girls we can be! Thanks for joining me on this journey!